KCEU’s Chair Ali Raza Syed condemns ban on two political parties in Occupied Kashmir

Brussels: Chairman Kashmir Council Europe (KCEU) Ali Raza Syed has condemned ban on two more pro-freedom political parties in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).
It’s important to mention that the Modi government in its continued campaign to subdue the freedom voices in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir has banned two more organizations; Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Freedom League and Jammu and Kashmir Peoples League for five years. Indian Home Minister Amit Shah also declared extension in ban on Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) for another five years. The JKLF headed by imprisoned leader Muhammad Yasin Malik was first banned in March 2019.
Chair of KCEU Ali Raza Syed said, it is not for the first time, India is suppressing the political voices of the Kashmiri people struggling for their right to self determination. The Indian government has already prohibited Muslim League, Democratic Freedom Party, Tehreek-e-Hurriyat, Dukhtaran-e-Millat, Muslim Conference and Jamaat-e-Islami in IIOJK for raising the demand to grant right to self-determination to the Kashmiri people.
He said, the people of occupied Kashmiri have been struggling for the right to self-determination for the past 76 years in the light of the United Nations resolutions and would continue their struggle till taking the freedom movement to its logical conclusion at all costs.
Chair of KCEU said that by banning political parties in IIOJK, New Delhi was aiming to subjugate the Kashmiris and consolidate its illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir.
Ali Raza Syed made it clear that India with use of such coercive methods can not detach the Kashmiri people from raising their voice for political rights, including their inalienable right to self-determination recognized under the United Nations’ resolutions. Ali Raza Syed said, these Indian tactics are violation of international norms and global rules associated with rights to free political activities, political freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of expression and formation and administration of political parties etc.
Chair of KCEU called upon the international community specially United Nations to prevent India from imposing ban on the political parties. He also asked India to stop its state terrorism and violation of human rights in IIOJK.
Ali Raza further demanded the world community to impress upon India to grant Kashmiris their inalienable right to self-determination recognized in the relevant UN’s resolutions. So, they can decide their political fate through a plebiscite in a free atmosphere under the international community’s supervision.