March of Greece’s presidential guards goes viral for its unique style

Athens: An old YouTube video featuring Greece’s elite guards, the Evzones, is experiencing a resurgence in popularity across social media. The video, now boasting over 178,000 views on YouTube alone, showcases the Evzones’ unique marching style in slow motion.
Their high kicks and precise movements, nicknamed “mid-air foot ballet” by some viewers, are certainly eye-catching. But the spectacle doesn’t stop there. The Evzones’ traditional attire, including a white skirt with 400 symbolic folds representing the 400 years of Ottoman rule and their hefty pom-pommed shoes weighing over 3 kilogrammes, adds another layer of charm.

The video has sparked amusement and curiosity online, with many commenting on the guards’ quirky movements. However, the elaborate march has a deeper meaning. The Evzones, stationed at the Greek Parliament, stand guard for one-hour shifts, three times within 48 hours.
Their synchronized movements and the clinking sound from the 60 nails on their shoes, called Tsarouchia, are said to mimic the sounds of horses. Legend has it that a homesick King Otto, who missed the sounds of his native Bavaria, had his guards imitate the clatter of horseshoes to comfort him.

Whether it’s the historical significance of the uniform or the intriguing marching style, the Evzones have captured the internet’s attention, proving that even a changing of the guard ceremony can become a viral sensation.
The Evzones are elite soldiers in Greece with a rich history. Originally, they were light infantry and mountain units within the Greek Army. Today, the term refers specifically to the members of the Presidential Guard, a ceremonial unit stationed at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Athens’ Syntagma Square, in front of the Hellenic Parliament.
Though their duties are primarily ceremonial, these Evzones are all volunteers meticulously chosen from the Hellenic Army’s Infantry Corps. Interestingly, potential Evzones are identified as early as basic training, with a minimum height requirement of a staggering 1.95 meters (6′ 5″).

The Evzones are instantly recognizable by their unique uniform, which traces its roots back to the clothing worn by klephts, Greek resistance fighters who battled Ottoman occupation. The most prominent feature of this uniform is the fustanella, a garment resembling a kilt. This distinctive attire has made the Evzones a popular image of the Greek soldier, particularly among international audiences.