Pakistan’s sesame seeds export to China increases nearly 29% in Q1 2024

China Economic Net
Beijing: Pakistan’s Sesame seeds export to China crossed $10.37 million from January to March of 2024, showing a growth of around 29% year-on-year.
According to the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (GACC), data Pakistan exported 6137.044 tons of Sesame seeds from Pakistan in January-March 2024, worth $10.37 million an increase of 28.81% while last year in the same period it was $8.16 million.
Rakesh Pal Khamuani, Director of Export & BD Kanwal Trading Company (Pvt) Ltd Pakistan told the China Economic Net Pakistan had reached $375 million in exports of sesame seeds in the last 8 months of the fiscal year and it had the potential to grow more, adding that the free trade agreement (FTA) with China helped to increase the export of sesame seeds which had been beneficial for both the countries.
” China will always have a quick transit advantage from Pakistan. This year’s estimated average price is $1750. Punjab province’s estimated harvest was 75% of the total sesame seeds crop contributing about 170,000 MT. Sindh province estimated harvest was 25% of the total sesame seeds crop contributing about 55,000 MT. Punjab produces Farmi, Hybrid, and Black brown varieties. Sindh produces Mix and Desi varieties,” he added.
He thinks Pakistan’s crop this year is excellent and the total sesame production should surpass 225,000 MT.
Sesame seed harvests in Pakistan have never been greater, with an average output of 400 kg per acre expected.