Founder of Greece’s far-right Golden Dawn ordered back to jail, ANA reports

Athens: The convicted founder of Greece’s far-right Golden Dawn party, Nikos Mihaloliakos, has been ordered back to prison, the Athens News Agency said on Monday, after an appeals court overturned a widely-criticised order for his release on parole.

Mihaloliakos, 66, and other Golden Dawn members were sentenced in 2020 after being convicted in a five-year trial of running a criminal gang linked to a string of hate crimes, including the 2013 killing of anti-racism rapper Pavlos Fyssas.

Mihaloliakos, who was serving a 13-year sentence, was released on parole on May 2 after a board of judges approved his request, taking into account the time he had served and his health. The move drew criticism from political parties and the family of a Golden Dawn victim.

A panel of appeals judges found that Mihaloliakos was “unrepentant”, continued to praise the Nazi-style practices of Golden Dawn and was suspected of committing new crimes, the Athens News Agency said on Monday, citing the latest decision.

Mihaloliakos was detained on Monday and was expected to appear before a prosecutor, state TV and police officials said.

Mihaloliakos’ lawyer said he had not been officially informed about the decision.