Portugal: Government presents new plan for migration

Lisbon: The Portuguese government presented on 3 June its action plan for international migration, built around regulated immigration, foreign talent attraction, humanistic integration, and institutional reorganisation.

The plan comprises 41 measures. These include: the prioritisation of entry channels for family reunification, young students and skilled professionals;
the development and execution of the national plan for the implementation of the Pact for the Migration and Asylum of the European Union;
the reinforcement of the operational framework of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) mobility agreement;
the establishment of a framework to resolve the more than 400 000 pending cases of – mostly – labour migrants, awaiting regularisation by the Portuguese Agency for Integration, Migraion and Asylum (AIMA);
setting up municipal/intercity emergency reception centres for immigrants in cooperation with municipalities;
the reinforcement of the offer, coverage and frequency of Portuguese language teaching.