Indian act of 5th August 2019 was a ploy to permanently occupy the disputed region: Ali Raza Syed

Brussels: Chairman Kashmir Council Europe (KCEU) Ali Raza Syed said on Sunday, in 2019, the removal of the Indian Constitution’s Article 370 and 35A, which had granted a special status and certain autonomies to Jammu and Kashmir, was a ploy by New Delhi to permanently occupy the disputed region.
Addressing the participants of a protest camp at Europe Square in front of Central Train Station Brussels in the context on Sunday, he said, the Indian action undertaken on August 5, 2019, was totally an illegal maneuver.
A large number of the people participated in the protest arranged by Kashmir Council Europe against the Indian act of 2019. While holding placards and banners, the participants and organizers of the protest camp, chanted slogans in favors of the rights to self-determination of the Kashmiris and against the illegal occupation of a large part of Jammu and Kashmir by Indian forces.
Many of representatives and office bearers of human rights defenders and NGOs also attended the protest. A number of passers stopped and asked about the situation in occupied Kashmir and organizers of the protest camp informed them in the context.
Ali Raza Syed said, the removal of special status of Jammu and Kashmir by India in 2019 was an act for purpose of persistent oppression and an intense conspiracy against right to self-determination and identity and dignity of people of Jammu and Kashmir.
It was a direct attack on the very fabric of existence of entire nation of Jammu and Kashmir and long-standing aspirations of the Kashmiris for self-determination. The Indian government unilaterally stripped away special status of Jammu and Kashmir and assaulted on dreams of the Kashmiris for their independent political future.
He said, as it has paved the way for demographic changes that threaten to alter the actual identity of Jammu and Kashmir region, Indian government modified the domicile rules of Jammu and Kashmir and granted permanent residence of Kashmir to thousands of non-Kashmiris since 2019.
Chair of KCEU said, a large number of Kashmiri political leader, political activists, human rights defenders and journalists are in the Indian jails since 2019. Indian occupation forces have the illegal mandate to smash Kashmiri freedom struggle with the brutal force. Many of youth and pro-Independence Kashmiri have been extra judicially killed or forcibly disappeared by Indian forces.
Ali Raza Syed said, after India abolished the special status of Jammu and Kashmir on August 5, 2019, the new series of Indian atrocities were committed against Kashmiris. He added, Kashmiri Muslims are not allowed to hold their religious gatherings including Eid prayers, Friday prayers and Muharram congregations.
According to Ali Raza Syed, the main leadership of the Hurriyat, including the head of the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, Yasin Malik, is in the Indian jails. Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, Jamaat-e-Islami, Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference, Muslim League, Jammu and Kashmir People’s Freedom League and Jammu and Kashmir People’s League are banned in Occupied Kashmir.
He said, during military operations in Occupied Kashmir from 5th August 2019 to 30th April 2024, the Indian forces martyred 887 Kashmiris, injured or tortured 2,430 and arrested 23,668 and destroyed 1,119 buildings and houses. 68 Women became widows, 185 Children became orphaned, and 34 women were assaulted or raped in this period. The people of occupied Kashmir were harassed as the Indian military conducted 19,000 operations of siege and search during the mentioned period of last five years. Even, Indian authorities did not hand over the dead bodies of many of the martyred Kashmiris and funeral prayers of these martyrs were not allowed.
Chair of KCEU said, we condemn the brutal measures adopted by Indian authorities in Occupied Kashmir in the strongest possible terms. It is a clear violation of the human rights by the Indian authorities.
Ali Raza Syed said, some of the human rights organizations around the world have documented these abuses, yet the international community remains largely silent. This silence is not just a silence, but it is also an endorsement of the brutalities against Kashmiris.
He said, although, Indian authorities are trying to systematically break the spirit of people of Kashmir and crush their aspirations for freedom, but such violent acts will not work to stop the Kashmir movement.
Chairman Kashmir Council Europe said, we call upon the United Nations, European Union, international human rights bodies, and the global community to take a stand against these violations and hold India accountable for its brutal actions in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
He said, the people of Jammu and Kashmir deserve the right to decide their own future through a free and fair plebiscite under the supervision of international community as promised by the United Nations resolutions.
Chairman KCEU Ali Raza Syed also spoke to participants of the separate online gatherings arranged by Pakistan’s embassies in Paris and Berlin for protest the Indian action of 5th August 2019.