Rubina Khalid lauds Sindh Govt decision to abolish birth certificate fee

Celina Ali
Islamabad: Chairperson of the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP), Senator Rubina Khalid Sunday expressed heartfelt gratitude to the Chief Minister of Sindh and the cabinet members for approving the abolition of the birth certificate fee for children in Sindh.
She welcomed this decision, which was made during a recent Sindh Cabinet meeting, recognizing its positive impact on the province’s underprivileged families.
On Chairperson Rubina Khalid’s instructions, Director General BISP Sindh, Zulfikar Ali Shaikh, engaged in various discussions with key figures such as Provincial Local Government Minister Saeed Ghani, Education Minister Syed Sardar Ali Shah, and Mayor Karachi Barrister Murtaza Wahab.
These meetings focused on resolving the challenges hindering the issuance of birth certificates and B-forms to the registered beneficiaries of BISP.
The birth certificate is a crucial document for obtaining a B-form, which is essential for children’s re-certification surveys and access to educational scholarships.