Prof Hafeez-Ur-Rehman Khan is an authentic veteran literary-cum-educational figure of south Punjab. His career as an academician and noteable literary contributor spanned over 60-years. He served as a professor and Head Of Department of Urdu in Government Emerson College Multan. After retirement, he also served as HOD in a prestigious Private College for several years. His book معارف ادب”” remained very helpful and popular among students for many years.

He has constantly and steadfastly been adhered to writing on different genres of literature i.e. prose, Poetry, fiction, literary sketches, light Essays, Travelogue , criticism, educational system and multi farious aspects of life.

Hailing from far-flung rural but intellectually creative city, Taunsa Sharif and facing multiple odds he secured his master degree from Karachi University, while doing a part time job due to his meager resources and to fulfill his educational expenses.

Throughout his life; integrity, discipline, devotion, positive thinking and excellence in work had always been the hallmark of    his personality.

By dint of hard work and inherent potential, he achieved distinguishness in his both pursuits i.e. teaching and writing. He has taught to thousands of students for more than five decades and besides this, he has written innumerable articles, essays, features in National Dailies and literary Journals of top standard. He is a famous and incredibly wise writer. Impossible uphill none his reputation as a writer is impressive and impeccable. Up-till now his 16 books having great value and worth have been published. His books are fascinating account of his illustrious thoughts. These books are useful for both scholars as well as for students because these are perceptive, reflective, well reasoned and cogently argued.

His writings are not only fully reflective of truth but are also comprehensive both objectively and subjectively. His literary work has always received high commendation and applaud from the intellectuals, linguist, critics and literary gurus of par excellence.

His concern for noble values and social justice is appreciable. He always use to say, I always followed the path which was going to do what I thought was right, no matter, what anybody else thought.

His knowledge is profound and vision is vast. He has full command on issues related with Pakistani culture and civilization. He is fond of Iqbal, Ghalib and other literary luminaries of the past. He is well versed with classical, romantic and progressive literature of past and present. He is staunch adherent of national ideology and a proponent of paksitani literature. In literature, his struggle is focused on one point i.e. to promote the refined value system based on truth. Truth is endear to him in every situation. He recalls the one pleasant memory of great orator and writer Agha Shorish Kashmiri (Late), when in his young age he met him, his advice was “young-man only write the truth, otherwise do not write. He kept abreast this advice.

His legendary courage, patriotic fervor, sympathy of downtrodden masses and artistic crafting always captivate the hearts of readers.

Neither obsessed with megalomania nor fond of reputation, he keeps himself busy in reading and writing even in this old age with multiple ailments . As, he is a genuine contributor and promoter of  literature, so his motto is persistent work without caring for applied, as Ghalib said:   

؎     نہ ستائش کی تمنا نہ صلہ کی پروا۔

“ I am neither hankering after praise, nor I am solicitor of reward”

While addressing the problems of literature in this modern age especially in context of compulsions of globalization, he offers a clear and hopeful vision for its future. The enlightenment philosophies that marked his thoughts had made him realistic, so he uses to say:

نغمہائے غم کو بھی اے دل غنیمت جانیئے

بے صدا ہوجائیگا یہ ساز ہستی ایک دن

“O my heart! Make the best even of the strains of sorrow, it is not long before the harp of life will be silenced forever.”

It is not long before the harp of life will be silenced forever”.

 His books and articles where not only serve the national purpose, but also share the essential lessons for creating a life of meaning, passion and purpose. These highlight problems of literature along with sufferings of common people in this postmodern and post truth era.

If, we quote Kafka his books are fully compatible with this maxim.

“ A book must be the axe for the frozen sea inside us.”

He established “Faraan Academy” in Multan, for promotion of literature more than 40 years ago. Other co-founders of this esteemed institute were prof Tasir Vijdan, Mirza Abdul Ghani, Dr. Baqir Khakwani, Dr. Akhtar Khilji etc and major contributors or supporters in this task were, Prof Dr. Aslam Ansari, Prof Dr. Mukhtar Zafar, Prof Syed Zulkifl Bukhari (late), Mukhtar Paras, Prof Dr. Iftikhar Shafi, Khalid Masood Khan, Mustahsin Khayal and a galaxy of art, poetry and literature related personalities, Faran Academy has served at a great level and produced volumes of lofty literature.

Its two organs were 1. “Isharat”  2. Monthly Faraan.

Besides this, it also prepared a generation of versatile and genuine writers, poets & artists etc.

Its one aim was to give hope to the people that their lives have some meaning beyond the daily grind and drudgery. It presented highly constructive literary ideals which paved the way for national literature. It extended a clear cut message to the enemies of Pakistan which was : stop a obfuscating national ideas.

Now-a-days, when we talk about the national scenario of politics and deteriorating state of affairs in the country, he gives a concise opinion that leaders and people at the helm of affairs are responsible for the present state of affairs. They took us to that state under false pretexts. By and large, it is the corrupt and selfish approach of our rulers, disinterestedness of intelligentsia and trend setters of the society, which has brought the country to the verge of economic and political instability and uncertainty. Rulers are servants of people and bound by law. The attitude of some leaders is not commensurate with the dignity of Pakistan. It is regrettable that people at key posts of country are oblivious from their duties towards national ideals.

The birth of Pakistan was the result of untold sacrifices and perseverance of the Muslims of sub-continent. Even a brief glance at the history of Pakistan shows that the country has been in a state of crises all along. Now, the crises has been intensified by the gravity of situation. Social resentment, furiousness in youngsters and political squabbles represent a microcosm of collapsing social and political order. We have to be honest with ourselves, and accept the fact that we have lost our way.

No change in system can come simply by wishing, by delivering useless speeches and by eating unending dinners. We have to become honestly pragmatic, realistically honest, and utmost dutiful; keeping in view the requirements of this age by focusing future. There is dire need of political cohesion. It is still not too late to make an earnest effort for a better and prosperous  Pakistan. The words of famous English writer and critic William Henry Hudson are also aptly applicable to his books:

“ A great book is born of the brain and heart of its author; he has put himself into its pages ( An introduction to study of literature) Some of his books names are as follows:

خیال و نظر           (Thinking and vision)

پاکستانی ادب کا منظرنامہ ( Prospective Scenario of Pakistani Literature)

دل و نظر کا سفینہ        ( Boat of  Heart and Eyes)

                   سجدہ ہر ہر کام کیا      (Travelogue of Harmain)

                   دریچے کچھ نود و نظر   (Some windows of Criticism and vision)

چمن زار نقد و نظر      (Garden of Criticism and Vision)

سرائیکی تنقید            ( Seraiki Criticism)

In these books, different literary issues have been interpreted in a marvelous style, which portrays his peculiar mastery. Despite this, he has also delved deeply, intensively and extensively into the woes of his countrymen.

A book on his Art and Personality named: حفیظ الرحمن خان : ض و شخصیت(Hafeez-Ur-Rehman Khan: Art and personality) compiled by renowned literary scholar Prof Dr. Iftikhar Shafi, contains his article i.e “ Why I Write”?

In detail he writes “Pen is my Real Friend” that it faithfully jet down my ideas on paper. Sanctity of pen is established since centuries. This is the grace of human conscience …………. To love one’s own country is not a new thing, everyone does it. But my country is not merely based on geographical boundaries  rather it is a name of ideological integrity. He pinpoints candidly that evasion from clear cut manifesto, has created a vacuum in literature.

He is protagonist of literature for life school of thought. That is why, he emphatically presents importance of meaningfulness and commitment in literature. He abhors hypocrisy, lies, pretensions, conjuring and hanky panky in literature. 

Due to his indepth knowledge, good manners and realistic analysis, he is respected enormously in literary and educational circles alike.

He is not only personally acquainted with the bigwigs of literature of last century but also kept their secret stories and memories of amazing events. However, he does not like bad mouthing, backbiting and character assassination of anyone. In short, he is a torch bearer of elevated literary ideals and refined social values. Now, when he recollects the past events, he usually recite this famous verse of Ghalib :یاد تھیں ہم کو بھی رنگا رنگ بزم آرائیاں

   لیکن اب نقش و نگار طاق نسیاں ہوگئیں۔I too, know how to arrange colorful festive assemblies; But they have become now the decoration of the shelf of forgetfulness.


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