‘Italy unsafe due to some judges’ says Salvini

Rome: Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini said in a note issued Monday after a judge in Catania nixed the detention of an Egyptian asylum seeker that Italy is not a safe country anymore due to some judges.
“Due to some Communist judges who don’t implement laws, the unsafe country at this point is Italy.
“But we are not giving up!”, the League leader said.
A judge in Catania on Monday scrapped the detention of an Egyptian asylum seeker at a processing facility in Pozzallo, Sicily, even though he hails from a country listed as safe for repatriation by a new government decree.
In the decision, the judge did not validate the detention for the asylum seeker during the examination of his request for international protection on the grounds that the list of ‘safe countries’ defined by the decree “does not exempt the judge from the obligation to verify the compatibility” of such “designation with European Union law” and “in Egypt grave violation of human rights have been reported”.