EU gives Portugal 2 month deadline

The European Commission has given Portugal two months to communicate to the institution the transposition of the European Union (EU) directive on the protection of critical infrastructures, after the country failed to do so within the stipulated deadline.
In a statement, the community executive says that “it decided to initiate infringement procedures, sending a notification letter to 24 Member States for failing to notify national measures transposing the EU directive on the resilience of critical entities”.
In addition to Portugal, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland and Sweden, which, according to the institution, “did not communicate to the Commission any national measures transposing this directive by the deadline of 17 October 2024”.
“Therefore, the Commission is sending letters of notification to comply with the Member States in question, who now have two months to respond, complete their transposition and notify their measures”, says the community executive, explaining that, in the absence of a satisfactory response , the institution may decide to issue a reasoned opinion, the next step in an infringement process.
This EU directive aims to protect critical infrastructure in a total of 11 sectors, such as energy, transport, healthcare, water, banking and digital, in the face of threats such as natural disasters, terrorist attacks, insider threats or sabotage.