UNGA unanimously adopts Pakistan-sponsored resolution on “Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination”

Celina Ali
Islamabad: The United Nations General Assembly has adopted the Pakistan-sponsored flagship resolution on the “Universal Realization of the Right of the Peoples to Self-determination”.
Adopted by consensus, the resolution was supported and co-sponsored by a large number of countries from different regions around the world.
The resolution reaffirms the inalienable right of all peoples to self-determination, including those living under foreign occupation, colonial domination, and alien subjugation.
It stresses that the full realization of this right is essential for the protection and advancement of human rights worldwide.
For over four decades, Pakistan has tabled this annual resolution to draw attention to the ongoing struggles of peoples denied their right to self-determination, particularly those living under oppressive occupations.
The resolution highlights the plight of people in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Palestine, reinforcing international support for their legitimate aspirations for self-determination.
The unanimous adoption of this resolution reflects the collective will of UN member states and strengthens the principle of self-determination, as enshrined in international law, including the UN Charter and the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights, and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. It also reaffirms the global commitment to justice, peace, and equality.
By reaffirming these principles, the resolution sends a strong message of solidarity to peoples across the world who continue to struggle for freedom and independence from foreign occupation and domination.
This resolution not only calls for an end to foreign intervention and aggression but also stresses the importance of respecting the rights of peoples under occupation.
Pakistan’s steadfast leadership on this issue ensures that the right to self-determination remains a central pillar of global discourse, offering hope to millions of people around the world who continue to fight for freedom and independence.