Portugal: €522 scholarship for immigrant tourism trainees

Lisbon: Tourism Schools in Portugal will train immigrants who want to work in the sector, in a program that starts in January. Those selected will receive a monthly scholarship of €522.50 and travel assistance.
The training program for immigrants who want to work in the tourism sector – which the Government announced as one of the measures to “accelerate the economy” – will start in January, a Government source told ECO.
Among the 60 measures designed by the government in the summer to boost the national economy, the creation of an integration and training program for migrants and refugees in the tourism sector was already planned, with a view to “improving the conditions of integration” of these people in the country.

As explained by the Executive in July, the program will involve an investment of 2.5 million euros from the Tourism of Portugal budget, with the Ministry of Economy informing the Public that the training will be carried out by the Tourism of Portugal schools.
According to ECO, a government source now explains that the training – which will last a total of around three months, plus a month of internship – will not only be technical and practical but will also include knowledge of languages and socio-cultural training.
Trainees will be entitled to a monthly scholarship with a value corresponding to the Social Support Index, that is, 522.50 euros paid by Turismo de Portugal. They will also have support for travel costs, points out the same source.
Interested immigrants will need to signal their availability to AIMA, and this agency will then transmit this information to Turismo de Portugal.