Archaeologists discover 1,700-year-old Roman settlement in Bulgaria Linked to Emperor

An unexpected discovery emerged during preparatory work for the installation of a natural gas pipeline near the village of Borimechkovo in the Pazardzhik region of Bulgaria. Workers uncovered the remains of a Late Roman period settlement covering an area of 4,400 square meters, according to Enikos.
Archaeologists swiftly stepped in and found a site teeming with fragments of pottery, coins, and other artifacts dating back over 1,500 years, including architectural structures that shed light on life in this region during the Late Roman period.

The excavation uncovered two buildings with walls constructed from mud bricks mixed with medium-sized stones, some showing evidence of mud mortar. One of these structures was approximately nine meters long and included at least three rooms, while the other consisted of two sections, according to Popular Mechanics.