CCoCIP meeting discusses expedited work on CPEC projects

Islamabad: Pakistani Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Ahsan Iqbal chaired a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Chinese Investment Projects (CCoCIP) which focused on expediting several ongoing projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) framework.

The meeting discussed the provision of electricity to the Rashakai Special Economic Zone (SEZ), import/export policies for Gwadar Free Zone, transit trade with Afghanistan and Central Asian countries via Gwadar Port, international transshipment of seafood, and the development of the Karachi Coastal Comprehensive Development Zone, said an official statement.

The minister directed all relevant ministries to provide their comments on pending matters within few days to ensure smooth progress. “Decisions should be taken swiftly, and investors should not be kept waiting for long, as delays discourage investment,” he stressed.

Ahsan Iqbal directed secretaries of the ministries concerned to develop actionable plans and address unresolved issues and end pendencies.

Discussing security measures for Chinese officials working on CPEC projects, he stressed that security protocols should not create an atmosphere of fear or hinder business operations.

The meeting reiterated the government’s commitment to resolving any bottlenecks faced by Chinese investors and ensuring that CPEC projects continued to progress without delays.

The minister called for enhanced coordination among ministries and smooth decision-making to boost investors’ confidence and accelerate the realization of key projects.

The meeting was attended by key government officials, including Federal Minister for Petroleum Division Musadiq Malik, Federal Minister for Energy Awais Laghari, Federal Minister for Commerce Jam Kamal Khan, and secretaries from the relevant Ministries, along with representatives from the CPEC Secretariat and the Planning Ministry.