Early years graduation ceremony 2022 held for millennials

Islamabad: Whether it’s the achievement of little or young millennials, The Millennium Education has always recognized and celebrated every learner`s accomplishment with full enthusiasm and fervor.
Every year in the month of March, the celebrations for recognizing the achievements of the little millennials of Advanced Year begin with the graduation photoshoot followed by the graduation ceremonies.
The Early Years Graduation Ceremonies are being organized for over a decade now. Even during the pandemic, the ceremonies continued virtually. However, now after three years, the ceremonies were again held physically leaving us all with lifelong memories that we and their parents shall cherish always. The Graduation Ceremonies are organized to appreciate and recognize the hard work and efforts that little millennials put in for the successful completion of 3 years journey of the TME Early Years Programme.
EY graduation ceremony began with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by the national anthem of Pakistan presented by the learners of Advanced Year who wore uniquely designed props of monuments of Faisal Mosque, Minar -e- Pakistan, Mausoleum of Quaid -e- Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Baab – e – Khyber to express unity among different provinces of Pakistan. The Junior Year learners warmly welcomed all the parents, Chief Guest, TME, and TMUC faculty with a wonderful performance on the Welcome Song. They also prepared many mesmerizing and outstanding performances to congratulate their seniors on their achievement. Wearing different props, the Junior Year learners danced as well as showcased different SDGs like life on land, below water, etc., depending upon the SDG their respective campus had selected for them.
The event was a true depiction of our philosophy of holistic learning as the performances focused both on academic as well as beyond the classroom learning. Similarly, to enlighten their juniors about the millennial attributes and values, the advanced year dressed up in different props wonderfully defined each millennial attribute i.e., confident, responsible, reflective, innovative and engaged one by one. In some of the graduation ceremonies, tribute was also paid to our national heroes and poet of the East Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal.
Everything from the school entrance to the corridors and from the isle of the auditorium to the stage was amazingly decorated with graduation caps, fresh flowers, balloons and hangings crafted with paper by the art teachers. The ambiance of the celebrations was ensured to appreciate learners and make them realize that now they are moving to the next phase of their life which will require more hard work and if they continue with the same dedication and enthusiasm nothing can stop them from achieving a brighter future.
After the performances, the school principal and chief guest awarded the certificates to the little graduates. Their parents were also invited on the stage so they can have individual as well as group photographs with their children in their moment of success. At the end of the ceremony, the little graduates expressed gratitude to their school, parents, and teachers for all they have been doing for them. As the little gratitude expressed gratitude, the parents’ hearts filled with emotions and eyes with tears of happiness.
The ceremony concluded with a congratulatory note by Director Communications, Community and Outreach Ms. Sabina Zakir. She congratulated the parental community on the achievement of their little ones and appreciated Early Years teachers for making it possible.