Italy: Rome museums free for city’s 2,775th birthday on 21 April

Rome: Rome celebrates its 2,775th birthday by opening city-run museums for free on Thursday 21 April 2022.
The free opening is part of the city’s cultural programme of celebratory events including guided tours, exhibitions, concerts, theatrical performances and film screenings.
In addition to municipal museums and their exhibitions, there will be free access to the archaeological area of the Circus Maximus and the Mausoleum of Augustus (reservations required).
Thursday also sees the reopening of the city’s Planetarium. Known as Natale di Roma, the annual birthday celebration is based on the legendary founding of Rome by Romulus in 753 BC.

The event will be marked with historical re-enactments by costumed centurions, gladiators and vestal virgins who will evoke ancient Roman traditions at the Circus Maximus from 21-24 April.