How to control Islamophobia in the West?


Christchurch Incident in New Zeeland is highly tragic. It is very hopeless and alarming situation in highly civilized country. It is unprecedented situation in a country which is famous for peace .The massacre is committed by Christian orthodox who is an Australian citizen and may have links with Christian extremist groups. The whole world has mourned at the incident and showed sympathies to the victims of recent act of terrorism. It is predicted that more incidents are expected in coming days. Extremist are interconnected and organized to harm and target the Muslims all over the world. Incumbent government of Pakistan is trying its level best to calm the situation and playing a very responsible role to facilitate the concerned families. Pakistan has rendered matchless sacrifices to eradicate terrorism from the region. Pakistan Army has vast experience of war against terrorism and we are always ready to cooperate with new Zeeland and Australian government to cope with the situation.

There is a wave of Islamophobia in the west which is increasing with time. The west has failed to control Islamophobia and hatred against Muslims. The western society has lost the traditional value system which teaches tolerance, respect for diversity, peace and love. White nationalists are propagating racism and spreading hate all over the world. The think tanks of the West should take concrete measures to stop such trends including xenophobia and Islamophobia. Such tendencies are being cultivated in western society for political gains and we have witnessed the outcome of such tendencies in the form of recent Christchurch mosques attack. Western media is very biased. If such act is done by a Muslim its terrorism, and if it is done by a white, it is often termed as an act of violence only .The PM of New Zeeland has played an appreciable role after the incident. Terrorism is condemnable at every level.