Portugal working to stay in Schengen Area


Lisbon: Delays in installing the systems necessary for the new border control systems to come into force in the European Union, have put Portugal at risk of being removed from the Schengen Zone.

According to a report by Expresso, the Government has stated that there is a risk of Portugal being suspended from the Schengen Area due to a delay in installing the systems necessary for the entry into force of new border control systems in the European Union (EU).

The issue involves equipment that must be tested and validated by July — the date on which Member States must make a declaration of readiness — but whose procedures have not yet been completed.

“If we don’t succeed, we reach July and we will be suspended”, said the Minister of the Presidency, António Leitão Amaro, highlighting the “huge problem for Portuguese tourism” that the penalty could bring, blaming the previous Executive, led by António Costa, for the delay, which approved, in March, the authorisation of expenditure of 25 million euros, but did not launch the tender for the acquisition of equipment, which will now have to be acquired by the direct award.