China’s mass transit in high gear as Spring Festival travel rush starts
Beijing: China, the world's most populated country, on Friday ushered in its largest annual migration, 15 days ahead of the...
Beijing: China, the world's most populated country, on Friday ushered in its largest annual migration, 15 days ahead of the...
Beijing: President Xi Jinping presented China's top science award to Huang Xuhua and Zeng Qingcun on Friday for their outstanding...
尽管2019年物价涨幅调控面临多重困难和压力,但随着一系列政策举措的实施,国内物价整体向好的方向发展。专家认为,下一阶段应加强市场运行分析、趋势研判和预测预警,做好重要时段重点商品供给保障,努力实现物价平稳运行,为宏观调控提供有利空间。2020年,宏观政策将以稳为主,在扩需求、稳增长、稳就业上发挥更大作用,物价有望保持平稳运行—— 1月9日,国家统计局发布了2019年12月份全国居民消费价格指数(CPI)和工业生产者出厂价格指数(PPI)。数据显示,12月份CPI同比上涨4.5%,同比涨幅与上个月持平;PPI同比下跌0.5%,环比持平。 从2019年全年看,CPI同比上涨2.9%,顺利完成2019年年初确定的“全年居民消费价格涨幅3%左右”的预期调控目标;PPI同比由2018年上涨3.5%转为下跌0.3%。 专家表示,尽管2019年物价涨幅调控面临多重困难,但随着一系列政策举措落地,国内物价整体向好的方向发展。下一阶段,应加强市场运行分析、趋势研判和预测预警,做好重要时段重点商品供给保障,努力实现物价平稳运行,为宏观调控提供有利空间。 食品价格同比涨幅回落 2019年,受部分食品价格结构性上涨影响,CPI同比涨幅由年初1.5%逐月走高,11月份和12月份涨幅均为4.5%。不过,CPI全年同比涨幅为2.9%,符合全年CPI同比涨幅3%左右的调控目标。 值得注意的是,12月份扣除食品和能源价格的核心CPI同比上涨1.4%,涨幅与上月相同,表明物价水平总体稳定。国家统计局城市司高级统计师沈赟表示,12月份食品价格同比上涨17.4%,涨幅回落1.7个百分点,仍是影响CPI上涨的主要因素,约影响CPI涨幅3.43个百分点。 在食品中,鲜果价格同比下降8.0%,降幅扩大1.2个百分点。牛肉、羊肉、鸡肉、鸭肉和鸡蛋价格同比涨幅在7.3%至20.4%之间,均有不同程度回落。猪肉价格同比上涨97.0%,涨幅回落13.2个百分点。 12月份,非食品价格同比上涨1.3%。其中,医疗保健、教育文化和娱乐、衣着价格分别上涨2.1%、1.8%和0.8%,交通和通信价格下降0.7%。 从环比看,12月份,CPI环比由上月上涨0.4%转为持平。其中,食品价格由上月上涨1.8%转为下降0.4%,影响CPI下降约0.08个百分点。 在食品中,随着生猪生产出现积极变化,中央和地方储备猪肉陆续投放,进口量有所增加,猪肉供给紧张状况进一步缓解,价格由上月环比上涨3.8%转为下降5.6%,影响CPI下降约0.27个百分点。在猪肉价格下降的影响下,牛肉和羊肉价格环比涨幅分别由2.8%和1.3%回落至0.1%和0.2%,鸡肉和鸭肉价格分别由上涨4.3%和3.6%转为下降4.9%和1.9%。鸡蛋供应充足,价格下降5.5%,降幅扩大4.8个百分点。 在非食品中,受调价影响,液化石油气价格环比上涨4.0%,汽油和柴油价格均环比上涨1.4%。 “推动食品价格上涨的主要原因是猪肉价格上升,2019年下半年猪肉价格快速上涨,导致CPI新涨价因素持续走高,推动CPI处于较高水平。”交通银行金融研究中心高级研究员刘学智说。 在PPI方面,12月份PPI同比下降0.5%,降幅比上月收窄0.9个百分点。其中,生产资料价格下降1.2%,降幅收窄1.3个百分点;生活资料价格上涨1.3%,涨幅回落0.3个百分点。从环比看,PPI由上月下降0.1%转为持平。其中,生产资料价格由上月下降0.2%转为持平;生活资料价格由上涨0.3%转为下降0.2%。 猪肉供给有保障 从2019年各月份CPI看,食品价格结构性上涨,特别是猪肉价格明显上涨,是影响CPI同比涨幅扩大的重要因素。 2019年以来,受非洲猪瘟疫情等因素影响,猪肉市场供应略有偏紧,导致价格稳步上涨。为保持物价水平总体稳定,从中央到地方均出台了稳定生猪生产和猪肉市场保供稳价措施。 据介绍,根据中央决策部署,国家发展改革委、农业农村部等部门联合印发出台了一系列生猪稳产保供政策措施。例如,调整绿色通道政策,继续实施贷款贴息,缩短非洲猪瘟扑杀补助发放时间等。其中,冻猪肉储备是国家做好猪肉市场保供稳价工作的主要抓手之一。2019年3月份,中央冻猪肉储备收储工作启动,地方收储同时开展。一定规模的冻猪肉储备,为开展猪肉市场保供稳价工作奠定了坚实基础。 2019年中秋国庆期间,中央分3批合计投放3万吨中央储备,部分地方也组织进行了投放。在春节即将来临之际,不久前中央又组织投放5批中央储备,合计约13万吨。全国大多数省份及主要城市也结合当地市场形势,联动进行了投放。 通过上下联动密集投放冻猪肉储备,增加了猪肉市场供应,有效稳定了市场预期,维持了猪肉市场价格相对平稳运行。最近一个多月来,36个大中城市超市集贸市场猪肉(精瘦肉)平均零售价格保持稳定。...
广州日报讯 (全媒体记者耿旭静、董业衡 通讯员舒霞) 今年的迎春花市将至,南沙本地的花农也正忙着种植、销售今年的年花年桔,迎来一年辛勤劳动的收获。记者了解到,今年的年桔田间收购价格较往年有所上涨,而菊花等常见的年花价格则变动不大。除了在本地销售外,南沙产的年桔还卖到了珠三角各地。目前,花农们完成了辛苦的培育种植工作,正焦急地等着各个迎春花市开放,让自己种植的年桔年花走向千家万户。 在大岗镇东流村内,一片摆放满了菊花盆栽的田地成了周围的亮丽风景。东流村村民周伯在村里种了十几年的菊花,主要在大岗迎春花市的档位内零售卖出。“今年我在大岗花市拍到了3个档位,用来卖自己种的菊花。”周伯告诉记者,今年的菊花等年花价格变动不大,但由于他是零售卖出,具体价格还是要等到花市开市才能最终确定。 “我是从中秋之后开始种植菊花,今年秋冬雨水稀少,同时阳光充足,我们地里的有些菊花提前开花了,对我们花农来说是个麻烦,但是幸好大岗迎春花市过几天就开放了,我们可以立刻拿过去卖掉。”周伯告诉记者。
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Beijing: Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, has called for unremitting efforts to deepen...
Islamabad: An accountability court on Thursday summoned arguments in a case related to illegal appointments by former prime minister Shaukat...
Islamabad: Iron-brothers Pakistan and China aim to bolster bilateral defence ties further through a joint naval exercise that began in...
Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran Khan Thursday said government will concentrate on enhancing job creation opportunities in the country this year....
Beijing: Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, on Wednesday called for continued efforts to...
Islamabad: Chairman Pakistan People’s Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari paid a visit to the residence of Secretary General PPPP Farhatullah Babar...
Islamabad: Matsuda Kuninori, Ambassador of Japan to Pakistan, has strongly condemned the bomb blast in Quetta on January 7th and...
Islamabad: The Supreme Court office has returned a petition of the opposition’s Rehbar Committee moved to seek an order for...
Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran Khan has approved the initiation of the country’s biggest skill development programme, Hunarmand Pakistan – Skill...
Lahore: The Lahore High Court (LHC) has fixed the plea of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) vice president Maryam Nawaz seeking...
Islamabad: UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency and the Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) Wednesday launched a livelihood project aimed at...
Rome’s Mausoleum of Augustus is set to reopen to the public this spring following a €6.5 million restoration funded by...
Cairo: Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi has called for deepening China-Arab strategic partnership and seeking political solution...
China has just hurtled past another milestone in its vast high-speed railway expansion plans. As the countdown to the 2022...
A Ukrainian airliner carrying at least 165 passengers crashed on Wednesday due to technical problems soon after taking off from...
United Nations: A Chinese envoy said Monday that China is committed to playing a constructive role in maintaining peace and...
Islamabad: Matsuda Kuninori, Ambassador of Japan to Pakistan, has expressed deep grief and sorrow over the loss of precious lives...
Karachi: Junaid Murtaza has been appointed the new Country Managing Director of L’Oréal Pakistan with effect from July 1st 2019....
Rome: National Spaghetti Day this month offers an opportunity to pick your sauce and add it to that long, thin...
Tokyo: Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Hammad Azhar has arrived in Japan to pay a three-day official visit. Hammad Azhar...
Islamabad: National Assembly on Tuesday unanimously passed Army Act Amendment Bill, the Pakistan Air Force (Amendment) Bill and the Pakistan...
Islamabad: The funeral prayer of Dr. Irshadullah Babar was held at F-7/4 Jamia Masjid and later was buried at H-11...
Beijing: China is striving to achieve the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. It...