Covid-19: Italy may reopen ski slopes from February 15
Rome: Italy's ski slopes can reopen this month, but only in 'yellow zone' regions, the government's panel of scientific experts...
Rome: Italy's ski slopes can reopen this month, but only in 'yellow zone' regions, the government's panel of scientific experts...
Rome: Italy's former premier Matteo Renzi believes the country will be in “very good hands” with Mario Draghi after the...
Rome: Over two million doses of vaccines have been administered in Italy. According to data from the Commissioner for the...
Rome: Italy has relaxed coronavirus restrictions in most of its regions, allowing greater freedom to travel and the daytime reopening...
Milan: Italy's culture ministry has acquired the vast library and archive of Umberto Eco, the Italian medievalist, philosopher and author...
Rome: Bianchi is known for the recurrent use of biomorphic signs in his works, and for the use of materials...
Rome: Italy has eased its coronavirus restrictions for most of the country including the Lazio region around Rome and the...
Rome: Less aggressive but more contagious, the English variant of covid is in Rome. Pier Luigi Bartoletti, head of the...
Rome: The restrictions related to covid for cities in orange zones have led managers of the bars of Rome to...
Rome: Rome mayor Virginia Raggi has reshuffled her cabinet, making the 19th change to her council since 2016, and the...
Milan: Even in the face of the health crisis, which has deeply affected many sectors, the market for luxury homes...
Rome: The logo and name of Italy's ambititious project to create the "Netflix of Italian Culture" has been unveiled, reports...
Rome: Italy's public administration is gradually moving more of its services online - but how do you access them securely?...
Rome: The divorce rate in Italy increased by 60% in 2020, according to Italy's National Divorce Association (l'Associazione nazionale divorzisti...
Milan: Milan has banned smoking at bus stops as well as in stadiums and parks, with effect from 19 January...
Islamabad: Ambassador of Italy to Pakistan Andreas Ferrarese said Thursday that Italy wanted to start a new era of economic...
Rome: Italian police have found a 500-year-old copy of Leonardo da Vinci's Salvator Mundi in a Naples flat and returned...
Rome: The Italian government has made some changes to its tiered system of coronavirus restrictions. Here's what you need to...
Rome: Auschwitz survivor Sami Modiano, aged 90, was vaccinated against covid-19 in Rome today, announced the Lazio region president Nicola...
Rome: Italy celebrates the feast day of St Anthony Abbot, the patron saint and protector of animals, on Sunday 17...
Rome: Italian identity cards will no longer refer to children's parents as "mother" and "father" but use gender neutral terms...
Rome: If you've previously been tempted by the prospect of buying a crumbling house in Italy for one euro, this...
Rome: If it is really decided to reopen the museums and if Lazio is confirmed in the yellow zone, we...
Rome: Five women, 600 olive trees, the culmination of care and enterprise: an agricultural and social project financed by European...
Rome: Students and teachers of Italian high schools protested in Rome and elsewhere in Italy on 11 January to demand...
Rome: When Rome's mayor Virginia Raggi unveiled the city's new-look trash bins last month, many people were impressed and saw...
Rome: Less than two weeks into its Covid-19 vaccination campaign, Italy has immunized more than 412,600 people nationwide, according to...
Naples: Pompeii's celebrated mosaic of Alexander the Great's victory over King Darius III of Persia is to undergo a major...
Rome: Italy became a 'reinforced' yellow zone on Thursday after the government extended the anti-covid restrictions in place over the...
Rome: If you're wondering what exactly the rules are on travel from your country to Italy right now, here's an...