Pakistan, China to celebrate 70 years of bilateral diplomatic relations: Ambassador Naghmana Hashmi
Beijing: Pakistan and China will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties next year and this will...
Beijing: Pakistan and China will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties next year and this will...
Beijing: Chinese President Xi Jinping praised community workers for their important role in the battle against COVID-19, urging them to continue...
Islamabad: Chairman Senate Standing Committee Senator A. Rehman Malik has thanked President, Financial Action Task Force (FATF), Marshall Billingslea for granting...
Islamabad: In a statement seeking the convening of parliament in extraordinary times like the current coronavirus emergency, PPP Parliamentary Leader in...
United Nations : A spokesman of the Chinese Mission to the UN has rejected Indian media reports that China, during its...
Beijing: As the spread of the coronavirus pandemic is far from being contained globally, sustaining normal life while businesses are under...
Islamabad: Secretary Information Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarians Dr. Nafisa Shah has expressed has said that a law made by parliament...
Islamabad: The United States of America (USA) remained the top export destinations of the Pakistani products during first eight months of...
Beijing: The Chinese and Pakistani armies held a video conference on the sharing of experience in the prevention and control of...
Islamabad: :Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday reshuffled his cabinet with addition of new members including ministers and advisers, besides changing...
Islamabad: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is promoting innovation and efficiency to enhance its anticorruption efforts by streamlining case management and...
Islamabad: Ambassador of Japan, Kuninori Matsuda said Monday that the Japanese government was ready to provide its expertise and any sort...
Beijing: A Chinese pharmaceutical company has donated Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) to a hospital in Karachi to help Pakistan’s health authorities...
Beijing: As the fifth most populous country in the world, Pakistan has so far had a moderate number of Covid-19...
London: The world’s largest randomised clinical trial of potential coronavirus treatments is well underway in the UK as part of...
Islamabad: Pakistan Peoples Party has demanded action against responsible for the crises of Wheat and Sugar as reported in the...
Beijing: China's bicycle manufacturers above designated size saw their profit at 1.66 billion yuan (about 234.29 million U.S. dollars) in...
经济日报-中国经济网武汉4月5日讯(记者包元凯 董庆森)武汉市委常委、武汉市常务副市长胡亚波在5日召开的新闻发布会上表示,总体来看,武汉市复工复产工作快于预计、好于预期。 据介绍,截至4月4日,武汉市“四上”及房地产开发企业复工10897家,复工率93.6%,其中规模以上工业企业复工率97.2%,规上服务业企业复工率93.2%,限上批零住餐业企业复工率95.8%,资质以上建筑业企业复工率84.7%,房地产开发与经营业企业复工率92.4%。 武汉针对各行业制定了详细复工复产计划,建立了灵活高效的审批机制、严格有序的防控机制,以及高效的服务机制、管用的引导机制和机动灵活的用工机制。目前除限制清单以外的其他市场主体均可以恢复营业。 围绕产业链协同复工复产,武汉推进龙头企业复工复产,协同解决产业链涉及企业的人员流动、物流运输、资金需求等难点问题。围绕不误农时、春耕备耕,武汉提高机械化作业程度,保障春耕生产急需的农资物品。围绕重大项目夯实发展后劲,武汉聚焦重点产业及5G、城市电网、轨道交通等新基建领域,推动亿元以上重大项目复工。 在回答经济日报记者就如何带动产业链上下游各环节协同复工复产的提问时,胡亚波表示,武汉采取三方面措施有效地破解了一批龙头企业和产业链协同复工的问题:一是根据武汉重点产业链的龙头企业和配套的核心企业,列出两个清单;二是提供一对一的精准服务,协助企业疏通上下游链条;三是形成一个综合协调的工作机制,发改、经信、金融、税务、交通运输、电力等部门联合打好组合拳。 武汉加强政策服务,打下强心针。胡亚波表示,一方面在全面落实中央、湖北出台的各项惠企政策的基础上,武汉出台了针对中小企业发展的21条措施,金融支持疫情服务企业发展15项措施,社会保险稳企稳岗七条举措等支持政策。另一方面抢抓“十四五”规划窗口期,加快研究提出拟向国家部委争取的重要项目和政策事项。同时推动干部下沉一线、主动上门提供服务,做好政策扶持,帮助企业解决问题。 胡亚波表示,该暂停的继续暂停,该推迟的坚决推迟。疫情期间,武汉连续生产的224家企业和近期复工复产的企业没有发生一起聚集性交叉感染。
London: Social distancing measures in the UK could be relaxed within weeks if there are signs the coronavirus epidemic is slowing,...
Lahore: Prime Minister Imran Khan Saturday while expressing his optimism in charity giving capability of the nation, termed the recent...
Beijing : Gwadar Port, a major project under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is functioning well despite the Covid-19 pandemic. The...
Beijing: The keel-laying ceremony for the second Type 054A/P missile frigate, destined for the Pakistani Navy, was held at the...
Islamabad: UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency has intensified its outreach to Afghan refugee communities to raise awareness of the coronavirus. Amid...
Islamabad: Former President of Pakistan and President Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarians Asif Ali Zardari has said that despite the fact that...
Islamabad: Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has emphasized that the nation needs to follow the vision of Zulfikar Ali...
Frankfurt: Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Germany President Syed Zahid Abbas Shah Saturday said that PPP founder Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s vision...
London: Pakistan High Commissioner (PHC) to United Kingdom (UK) Mohammad Nafees Zakaria, in a video message, Thursday said the government of...
Beijing: Pakistani volunteers stayed in China to fight the novel coronavirus when our country was stricken by COVID-19. It is high...
United Nations: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has launched a new plan to counter the devastating socio-economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic,...
Beijing: With many airlines in the world canceling or sharply reducing their international flights, a rising number of passenger planes now...