Japanese ambassador hosts reception to celebrate Emperor’s birthday
Islamabad: The Ambassador of Japan to Pakistan, MATSUDA Kuninori and Mrs. MATSUDA Kuninori hosted a reception to celebrate the birthday of His...
Islamabad: The Ambassador of Japan to Pakistan, MATSUDA Kuninori and Mrs. MATSUDA Kuninori hosted a reception to celebrate the birthday of His...
Beijing: The impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on China-South Korea economic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges will only be temporary, Chinese President...
Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran Khan had a telephone conversation with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday to express unequivocal solidarity...
Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday said that his government has launched “Digital Pakistan” initiative with the aim to...
Islamabad: Pakistan People's Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said he supports the ongoing protest of students at Gomal University....
Lahore: Dr Christian Turner, the British High Commissioner to Pakistan, paid a warm tribute to the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC)...
Wuhan: Two more hospitals under the control of military medics have been put into use Wednesday in the city of...
Islamabad: A book “Bleeding Kashmir” written by Former Interior Minister, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior Senator Rehman Malik has...
Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran Khan has said no negligence will be tolerated in provision of best possible healthcare facilities to...
Islamabad: Ambassador of Netherlands to Pakistan Willem Wouter Plomp Tuesday extended support to Pakistan on Financial Action task Force (FATF)...
Beijing: The proposals to postpone China's "two sessions," a key event in the country's political calendar, came out Monday in...
Ambassador of Japan strongly condemns terrorist’s attacks in Quetta and Dera Ismail Khan; condoles the grieving families Islamabad: 18th February...
Islamabad: Australian government will provide Pakistan 1.2 million Australian dollar grant for uplift of rural areas. According to a statement...
Islamabad: The Supreme Court was informed on Monday that Iran has completed work on its portion of the Pakistan-Iran gas...
Islamabad: United Nations Secretary General (UNSG) Antonio Guterres on Monday Pakistan is the sixth biggest country to participate in the...
Beijing: The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, will meet in late February to deliberate...
Islamabad: Astronomers think they've spotted an alien planet with three suns on its horizon — but that still isn't the most...
Beijing: China's daily new confirmed cases of the coronavirus disease outside Hubei, the epicenter province in the outbreak, have been dropping...
Rome: Former Ambassador of Italy to Pakistan Stefano Pontecorvo has said that Pakistan had become an attractive tourist destination. “Pakistan is becoming...
Islamabad: Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said that the state should not be run through conspiracies rather it...
Islamabad: A new sungazing spacecraft has launched on a mission to chart the sun’s unexplored polar regions and to understand how...
Lahore: Dr Christian Turner, the British High Commissioner to Pakistan hosted a reception to welcome Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) to Lahore and...
“妈,您和朵朵身体还好吧?今天又有好多医疗专家带着药品、器材坐高铁来到武汉,我们一定会战胜疫情的!”2月11日23时50分,贾青青忙完一天的疫情防控物资转运工作后,和婆婆视频通话。她看见女儿抱着心爱的大熊玩具已经睡熟,这才放心地在宿舍里躺下睡觉。每天工作再晚,她都要给婆婆打个电话报平安。 贾青青是武汉火车站“五心”服务组党支部书记、值班站长。新冠肺炎疫情发生后,她一直奋战在岗位上。 1月23日10时起,武汉站等离汉通道暂时关闭。“请大家理解,关闭离汉通道是为了防控疫情。”“楼下售(取)票厅所有的人工窗口已开启,为大家办理免费退票。”在武汉站进站口,面对众多旅客的问询,贾青青戴着口罩、拿着喇叭,带领工作人员一遍又一遍地大声提醒,耐心做好解释引导工作。平稳关闭进站通道后,她的喉咙已沙哑。 当天晚上,贾青青回到家,看见丈夫王杨正在整理衣服。“刚接到通知,我要在单位住一阵子,这段时间可能回不来了。”王杨是中国铁路武汉局集团有限公司调度所的一名调度员,疫情期间将接受集中管理。贾青青一边帮助王杨准备生活用品,一边说:“那你要保重身体。这两天车站挺忙的,朵朵就送到她奶奶那里去吧。”第二天一早,她就将4岁的女儿朵朵送到婆婆家,夫妻二人一心投入抗击疫情的工作中。 武汉站组建了一支由30多名党团员骨干组成的“头雁”党团员突击队,贾青青是第一个递交请战书的。她24小时坚守在车站,做好人员服务和物资转运工作。 每天,作为值班站长的贾青青都要提前梳理运输疫情防控物资和医务人员的高铁列车到站计划,掌握具体车次、数量、车厢,协助调整列车停靠站台股道,搬运物资,确保第一时间将疫情防控物资送到各大医疗机构。 1月25日,正月初一,22时30分,江苏、浙江两省医疗专家团队350人携带医疗物资乘高铁抵达武汉站。早早在站台上等候的贾青青和同事们戴着口罩、穿着防护服,迎接到来的医务人员,并迅速搬运物资。50多斤重的医疗器械,贾青青和男同志一样搬起来就走。不到半个小时,她的衣服已湿透。繁忙工作之余,和女儿视频通话是贾青青最开心的时刻。“妈妈,我想你了!你怎么穿着白白的衣服啊,戴着口罩我都看不清你……”“朵朵乖,等再过几天,大家打败了这只‘大怪兽’,我和爸爸就回来一起陪你玩。” 整个春节假期,贾青青和同事每天都要接10多趟运输防疫人员的高铁动车、转运100多吨物资,经常是忙到凌晨。有人问她,每天在车站奔波忙碌,接触那么多人,怕不怕?贾青青总是回答:“偶尔担心还是会有的,但是看着这么多人都来支援我们武汉,大家众志成城战疫情,作为一名铁路人,我更要冲在前面。我多干一点,防疫物资就能早一点到达,就多一分胜利的希望。”(经济日报-中国经济网记者 柳 洁 通讯员 郭 威)
Romantic feelings rely on a complicated concoction of chemicals and psychology. But as part of our series on Life’s Big...
Islamabad: Pakistan Peoples Party's members National Assembly Dr. Nafisa Shah and Naz Baloch talking to media outside Parliament building said...
Islamabad:” Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has today recognised Hamza Farrukh, representing Pakistan, as the 129th Commonwealth Point of Light...
Rawalpindi: The Embassy of Japan in cooperation with the MEXT Alumni Association of Pakistan has organized an exhibition of Japanese...
Karachi: British Department for Transport (DfT) has approved the request of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) for the provision of 3DS...
Islamabad: Senator Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar, the spokesperson Chairman Pakistan People’s Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said that whenever Chairman PPP...
Karachi: The British High Commission’s fifth annual GREAT Debate competition continued with the final regional round at the Sir Syed...